Research Interests

Digital Culture;
Global Media and Cultural Industries;
Media History and Political Economy;
Television Studies;
Gender and/in Popular Media

Researcher biography

BA, Fudan University; MPhil, Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; PhD, Communications and Media, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Nina Li received her PhD in Communications and Media from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Before coming to UQ, she was a postdoc fellow in Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore. Her work has appeared in Television & New Media, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Media, Culture & Society, etc. At Illinois, she managed Critical Studies in Media Communication and Communication and Critical Cultural Studies. Currently, she is working on a book manuscript which examines online video as an emerging cultural institution in China and its consequences for cultural politics and global communication.  

Areas of research