Researcher biography

  • Degrees: BA (Griffith), GDipTeach (BCAE), MLitt (New England), MA (Queensland), PhD (2013)
  • Supervisors: Prof Peter Cryle and Dr Tiphaine Samoyault (Université de Paris VIII)
  • Area of Research: Questions of canonicity: The example of post-colonial Francophone literature My work is concerned with the status of post-colonial French literature in contemporary French writings. The questions, which I will attempt to answer, are as follows: What are the criteria of canonicity for literature in general? How does a text become a canonical text? (Cultural/social/ context, influence, contraints.) To establish the parameters of my inquiry, I will look at both American and French theories. Having done this, I will attempt to apply those theories to post-colonial texts: How they are classified, reviewed (in magazines), used (in school textbooks), what literary prizes they may win. I will more precisely focus on one successful Francophone writer and one less well known. I will seek to outline the causes of these differences. In some ways I will question the European tradition of literary canonicity. I will see how, if applicable, it can integrate a "different" writing.